Lately, I've been frequently reminded of what the Bible talks about us being like sheep. If you look throughout both the New Testament and the Old Testament you will see that humans (sinners) are described as sheep. One very popular passage is found in Isaiah 53:6 - "We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way"
Sheep are very dumb animals. If anyone has seen the movie "Babe" you know exactly what I'm talking about. Sheep commonly stray from safe places, like pastures, that they have been placed in, especially if there is no proper barrier. Sheep often fall prey to wolves and other predators. That's why, even now, in places where sheep pasture there needs to be defenses, either through secure gating or as they did in the time of the Bible have a shepherd nearby to stand watch and protect sheep from getting lost or being devoured by prey. The nature of a sheep is to follow a leader, that's why I guess they seem so needy to us.
But the more I look at my own life, I see how much I am a sheep and how I fall prey to my predator. Because sheep don't really seem to understand certain dangers, at least that's how they are described, I find myself time and again falling for the same tricks. Namely, I am referring to my sexual addiction. Pornography is a huge danger that I, as a sheep, seem to fall into time and again even though I know the dangers myself, when it comes down to temptation, I fall prey to it very often.
I remember the old camp song, "I Just Wanna Be a Sheep." Well, first of all, as I've been saying, I am already a sheep. Zecharaiah 10:2 says, "The idols speak deceit, diviners see visions that lie; they tell dreams that are false, they give comfort in vain. Therefore the people wander like sheep oppressed for lack of a shepherd." We are all sheep. That's who we are. We are natural followers as human beings. This is evident, at least to me. I've noticed that humans will believe in anything. Even the most "intelligent" people out there can be made to believe anything. All it takes is a good argument and you can convince anybody anything. This is like me. I am a sheep. So, if we are natural followers, what's to stop us from falling into traps, when the leader we are following in fact is a predator?
But, while in nature I am already a sheep, I want to continue to be a sheep. I just want to stay in the sheep pen that I've already been placed in, and rely on my Good Shepherd to help me from straying away from my safe home.
John 10 talks about Jesus being the Good Shepherd who keeps us inside His pen. He protects us from predators. Jesus says He is also the gate of the pen. He closes the gate to thieves and robbers. Jesus says that His sheep know His voice. I guess this means that we know His truth, His love, His grace and His commands. We hear His voice and we know we are protected.
Jesus goes on and says that He has sheep in other sheep pens. Those sheep know His voice too. These sheep haven't been brought into His sheep pen yet, but they know His voice because they too belong to Him. This means that all people on earth know God's truth, but they fall prey to the tricks of predators and have been swepts away by robbers. These are the instruments of the devil, using sin and temptation, or philosophies and spiritual barriers. These sheep are being brought to other sheep pens, dangerous ones, that are not their home.
So, we are sheep. We know God's voice. But some of us are lost. I am vulnerable to become lost if I stray to far from the group of sheep clustered by the Good Shepherd. The robbers sneak in by the pen walls and swoop me up. So, I must want to be a sheep and stay at the Shepherd's feet. I pray that I remain a sheep of the Shepherd who saves me.
Our Melody in Any Valley: Bearing Suffering with Singing
When we sing in the midst of suffering, we show that there is a joy
stronger than the best of this world and the worst of our pain: God himself.
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